Friday, May 4, 2018

Masters of Disguise

"Crying is good for the soul.  It means something needs 
to be released.  And if you don't release the something, 
it just weighs you down until you can hardly move."
Erin Entrada Kelly 

An energy worker intends to align the body, mind, and spirit.  He or she hopes to release pockets of built up emotions that interrupts the natural flow.  When we feel out of sync we are usually out of balance.  Humans are masters of disguising guilt, shame, and sorrow and excel as magicians hiding emotions from ourselves and others.

During an energy session, it is not unusual for a person to shed tears 'for no reason at all'.  It is not necessary to know why we are crying, but it is important to do our best at releasing what is pent up.  When successful, the body feels lighter and our future seems brighter.

To release what we hide can be accomplished in numerous ways.  We can express our inner discord through artistic endeavor or by treating our body to a massage.  Even a long walk in solitude ... the physical movement distracts our mind and our emotions can escape ... can renew our spirits and energize our soul.

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