Friday, April 27, 2018

Simply Begin


"When you feel stuck, this journaling practice 
can get all those painful thoughts and feelings 
out of your head, starting the process of healing."

The busyness of life has a tendency to fray our brains.  Overload occurs and our thoughts are split into numerous slices too thin to grasp anything but a singular thought.  Addictions generally slide in like alcohol, gambling, porn, exercising, eating or making unnecessary purchases.  When random thoughts accumulate, overriding sensible processes, it is time for intervention.

Intervention no matter how desperately needed can be costly in time and money, not to mention the elements of guilt or shame.  The more we internalize, depression sends roots down to secure its space.  Why is it human nature to totally deplete the self before establishing a mode of healing and prevention?

Journaling is a practice of writing down thoughts we do not want to speak out loud: repressed emotions; avoidance of need; or denial of pain.  The simple act of pen to hand allows privacy in releasing what is aching inside of us.  Once we express what is buried within, our bodies perform at a healthier level.  We no longer feel the suffocation of feeling invisible or out of control.  Pen and paper, then simply begin.  It is surprising what one learns.

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