Saturday, April 21, 2018

First Day of Spring

"And the birds sang their songs of love.
And the flowers serenaded with their
sublime fragrances.  And the whole 
world fell in love in spring."
Avijeet Das

The first day of spring can disappoint us with frost or harsh winds when we have been not so patiently awaiting to fill spring baskets with gorgeous fragrant flowers.  I was very determined in making today the best day ever, in spite of all things awry.

My bird feeders were freshly stuffed with various blends of seed.  The bird baths were scrubbed clean with water waiting for virgin dips of the birds for this magical day of spring.  As I walked near the flower beds, I did not see them as they were, but as they are meant to be.  Pastels and rich colors accented each other and the fragrances, oh my!

Settled in my porch swing, I breathed the fresh air of this new season named spring.  I cast my sweater onto a chair allowing my skin to feel the warmth of the sun.  The television turned off, no bad news today.  The radio quiet, refrained from spouting fear.  And this spring vision danced in my head while reality played a differing tune.

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