Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Diversity of Definition


Homonyms: words which have the same spelling 
and pronunciation, but have different meanings.

Crane: That bird is a crane.

They had to use a crane to lift the object.
She had to crane her neck to see the movie.

The English language is challenging to understand as it uses words that sound the same, but are different in meaning, as well as, words pronounced the same but spelled differently.  It is recommended to make sure we understand what is being asked of us.  

Words often used in place of each other often do not have the same implication, such as:  God; Religion; Christian; Universe; and Spiritual. Each of these words may be similar, but have aspects distinctively different.  

In meaningful conversations, it is best to ask the specific meaning of words within the question.  If someone asks if you are a christian, one might ask what is the person's definition of christian.  We cannot assume it will be aligned with our own.  In order to maintain a conversation with integrity, it is important to understand the diversity of definitions . 

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