Friday, March 2, 2018

Forgiveness Is Not Condoning

"Forgiveness wipes the slate clean,
so that other things can come in."
Louise Hay

Giving in to forgiveness may feel as though we are accepting the inappropriate actions of others.  We resist forgiveness as though we are punishing the person, when in reality, we are hurting our selves.  We have no control over the other.   

To forgive someone, we  can visualize cutting a tangle of thread attached to the memory.  We can just snip the connection and watch it unravel.  We reclaim our energy to be used in more positive areas. 

As long as we are detaining the situation in our emotional attic,  it is taking up space and continues to have power.  Time and energy is still being funneled to that predicament consciously or unconsciously.  Forgive and let go of the memory, making room for something new and joyful to replace it! Forgiveness is for ourselves as much as for the offender. 

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