Monday, February 12, 2018

Spread the Love

"When we turn our faces towards love,
   We find the dancing parts of our heart."

Valentine's Day is coming and many face it with dread.  If we are without our partner for whatever reason or simply isolated from others, seeing  LOVE plastered everywhere can cause us to withdraw even deeper within our solitude.  We can begin to feel as though there is something wrong with us and the quick slide down to depression is an express ride.

We need to broaden our perspective and view the full picture.  Look beyond the trees and over the horizon for love is meant to be everywhere for everyone.  Merchants love for us to think of Valentine's Day as a romantic love affair as they pedal all of their wares; however, love is for all peoples and all days!

Instead of longing for what we might want to receive, turn the situation around and think of what others might want to receive.  We can bring a flower to a dear friend reminding her how much we love her.  We can baby sit the rug rats and let the parents run out for a quick meal.  We can go to our sacred place and pray for all of those not feeling love stirring in the heart.  We can give smiling recognition to those we idly pass by, and wish them a happy day! Let's re-frame the day and spread the love together!

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