Monday, January 22, 2018

If You Feel Stuck ...

"Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance.
Strong men believe in cause and effect."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Whether male or female, there are some who sit back and wait for life to come to them.  They expect life to be bountiful, but they do not take action towards a goal.  Then there are other females or males who use their imagination to form multiple scenarios and apply energy to each possibility until one supersedes the others.

Being in the right place at the right time doesn't happen to those who sit back.  People who assert themselves and are flexible can be gently nudged or guided.  It is great to be a dreamer if action follows.  The rigid plan binds us and drains the excitement and speculation from the project.

I like to think of myself as being a verb rather than a noun.  As a noun, I would be stationary awaiting life to happen to me.  As a verb, I would be easily moved in and out of scenarios increasing the odds of being impacted by people, places or things advancing me towards my goals.  When we feel stuck, be more flexible ... like a verb.

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