Tuesday, October 3, 2017

When Heaven Applauds

"To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act
is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer."
Mahatma Gandhi

There is much to be said for the tremendous energy created by individuals gathering together.  When minds join together, God smiles.  On the other hand, we do not have to patiently wait for an opportunity to join forces with others.  We can generate a positive outcome in our own space. 

We are consistently prompted to help a woman across the street or nudged to encourage the mother at wits end.  Singular actions are powerful, but we tend to downplay our own effectiveness.  Outreaching to others does not have to include money.  We have so much to give the options are limitless.

When we mindfully embrace our own abundance, we are eager to share our bounty with others.  With alertness, our perception of doing God's work expands.   Paying it forward, becoming an anonymous donor or sharing time with others are all acts of love and Heaven applauds!   

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