Friday, October 6, 2017

Perform Feats of Accomplishment

We are capable of performing feats of accomplishment 
when we acknowledge the importance of our individual duties.
Daily Om 

Children of my generation were taught to be 'seen and not heard'.  We attended activities that our parents arranged and our time was endlessly spent outdoors playing hopscotch or hide and seek.  Idle hours were filled with imaginative play. 

Our future lives were often dictated for boys to enter the family business or for girls, to focus on cooking, raising babies, and absolute devotion to a husband.  There was little emphasis on authentic self, personal dreams or yearning to be out in the world.

It is no wonder there is such difficulty for women to shed the feelings of being selfish if they choose a career or to not have children.  Stepping out of the kitchen and from under male dominance was no easy task.  Unlike young women of today, we pursued our callings later in life when our children were gone.  But we did it!  We have cut the shackles and searched productive paths to express our unique gifts and reclaim our value as an individual.  We each contribute a special aspect of our choosing.  Celebrate ... you are beautiful you!

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