Tuesday, October 10, 2017

At Least, Pick Up Trash

"Poverty is the worst form of violence."
Mahatma Gandhi

Once we pull back the claws of fear, we begin to notice actions we can use in the midst of our busy lives tainted by violence.   We have space to create goodness every day remaining in our local community  without spending millions of dollars.  Poverty, isolation, hopelessness, illness or loss, lower the sense of control and edge us towards unexplainable actions.

We can find ourselves questioning what we can do to make living safe, and by tweaking our perceptions we discover endless small ways to contribute.  The majority of us cannot go global contributing large amounts of money, but we can go local and share our abundance.  

Invite children to color to express their hidden fears or let them dance to lively music to let their stress out.  Attend a youth group and simply listen to what young people are thinking.  Help a frantic parent by offering a meal or snacks for the family so the adults can be reaffirmed of kindness.  Play the piano for the elderly or write a letter for them or offer to read a favorite passage.   If a person is limited, pick up trash.  All efforts work towards the betterment of all.

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