Monday, September 18, 2017

Make Life Lighter!

"A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart,
soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination."
Richelle E. Goodrich

Sleep labs have studied the impact dreams have upon the body.  The body reacts in numerous ways to a variety of situations.  If we dream we are an athlete and see ourselves running a 5k our body doesn't know we are not actually moving.  When we dream of a terrible thing, even though it is imaginary, the body clenches with fear.  

The same is true if we imagine we are on top of a mountain, breathing fresh air in and stress out.  The body relaxes assuming we are indeed up on the mountain.  Faced with a least favorite chore, we can visualize ourselves singing, happily doing the deed and completing the task in record time.  Our body reacts to our thoughts.

It is therefore important to us to carve out time for meditation, daydreaming or visualization.  It will lift our moods and elevate our life experience.  We attract what we think, so why not focus on the good and let it draw more goodness into our life.  Try it, you just might love it!

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