Sunday, August 6, 2017

Sense of Wonder

"Modern man has lost the sense of wonder
about the unknown and he treats it as an enemy."
Laurens van der Post

We have the tendency to let the unknown threaten us.  Gather strength and shift from fear to curiosity.  Begin to wonder with delight what awaits us around the corner.  Let us feel comfort in knowing that God has a plan for us and we need patience until it develops into our view.

Devastation occurs in a form of loss either personal or professional and we become mired down with heavy feelings. This heaviness causes us to disconnect and a vacuum of negativity sucks us in.  When we recognize this motion is a dead end, we begin our journey towards healing.

We repurpose our energy by getting creative.  We focus on what the next step might be rather than on what we have lost.  We can make collages or a vision board to send fresh ideas out into the unknown. Our unique skills will attract options.  Be alert to coincidence or synchronicity pondering where it might lead.  Anything is possible with a sense of wonder forming a brighter future, rather than seeing the unknown as the enemy.

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