Thursday, August 10, 2017

Awareness of the Need

"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth
and compassion against injustice and lying and greed.  If
people all over the world ... would do this, it would change the earth."
William Faulkner

As a flower child, I was certain my generation would right the world.  I never protested nor committed any unlawful act, but my heart beat to the rhythm of change.  A bleeding heart is what I was often called as though the judgment would condemn me.  

Working within the system, the concept of success was abbreviated for change was painfully slow and often times nonexistent.  Rules and regulations were put into place by many reputable professionals who had never experienced nor understood the plight of the poor.  Bound by ineffective guidelines, generations simply replicated previous generations limited by the lack of life changing resources.  

I remain a hippie at heart, viewing the great divide between those who care and those who waste.  Children have the awareness of the need of others and begin outreaches to those in need through self-denial, engaging others, and giving however and whatever they can.  They fill my heart with the hope, they will generate the change to our earth,  I so longed to see.

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