Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Where We Need to Be

"I may not have gone where I intended to go,
but I think I have ended up
where I needed to be."
Douglas Adams

It is a good thing God does not act upon all of our requests as some times we yearn for paths that would guarantee defeat.  At other times, we humbly ask for the minimum when Divine Spirit is readily in a generous mood.  A wise teacher once told me to request in my own words, but to add "or whatever more the Universe wants to provide."  By including this last phrase, my life has been more deeply blessed. 

My journey has led me to a variety of dead ends, twists and turns, and seemingly impossible barriers.  Every opportunity, no matter how challenging, has shaped me into a wiser and more kindly soul.  I have learned to trust the silence of spirit to lead me through unexpected detours.  When I surrender my personal plan and observe the signals of nature and intuition, the road is no longer filled with debris.

Divine Spirit has given me far more than I ever hoped for.  My soul has been filled with love, light, and energy, while my heart has received the deepest form of recognition.  We are free to love and cherish in each moment of the day.   When we release our rigid expectations, Divine Spirit brushes the canvas of life with creative design and radiant color.  When we let go, we realize we are right where we need to be.

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