Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Unfolding of the Story

"The best part of your story is when it changes."
Bella Bloom

Happy endings are not necessarily lurking right around the corner.  As we make effort to transition from troublesome to fulfilling, it can take an infinity to pull ourselves from the stagnation.  There must be an idea to work towards or some level of hope to make the waiting bearable.   

When life feels like nothingness, we do best by focusing on one element and getting creative. Make a reasonable choice of one thing to begin.  The span extends endlessly for what change to consider:  redecorate a room;  find a new hair style;  mix up routine; plan an outing; begin an on line course.  Be reasonable and realistic while making this one selection.

Jot down a list of any items you may need.  Mark out a specific time on the calendar dedicated to this project.  Begin visualizing what this change will mean.  Allow the thoughts to take on various colors, scenarios, and feelings.  Get excited and begin!  (No criticism is allowed.)   Whatever we choose to creatively change contributes to the unfolding of your story.

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