Monday, July 24, 2017

Rejoice with Thanksgiving

"Found myself kneeling in Your presence
Seeking Your wisdom and embrace
Letting go all the fears and found peace 
You put joy in my heart that my soul endlessly rejoices."
Angelica David

In our efforts to remain aligned with our core spirit, we can stray from the practice of offering gratitude and thanksgiving.  We work so hard at releasing the negativity and developing positive actions, we often times forget to say,  "Thank you!"

At times, we may feel as though we have nothing worthy in our life.  Compared to others, we may not have enough, be enough, or do enough.  The irony, however,  is we all have abundance.  It just might not be in an obvious form.  

Every day make an effort to record five things big or small that create gratitude.  We begin to appreciate our favorite old shoes, or a painting from a child.  Our focus moves from grandeur to simple pleasures. Rejoice to the Divine with thanksgiving. 

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