Monday, July 10, 2017

Out of Nothing

"Magic is always pushing and drawing things out of nothing."
Frances Hodgson Burnett 

Those who are creatively intuitive never have a dull moment.  They can cast their eyes up into the sky or down a deep well and images surface.  While looking at the grain in the wood of the door, faces appear.  In the soundless night, voices whisper.

Little children regularly experience this magic, but well meaning adults talk them out of what the child believes to be true.  The child talks to an imaginary friend or casually reports seeing his deceased uncle at the playground.  Imagination one says, but no, I believe these things to be true.

As a child, I saw things appear and felt things vibrate in spite of what I was told.  I learned not to share what I would see, but believed more deeply in what I knew to be true.  As an adult, the flood gates opened transitioning from magic to visions.  Now, as an elder, my intuitive and creative mind experiences what was once thought of as beyond.  The present moment abounds.

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