Saturday, July 8, 2017

Discern Importance

"In order to move on, you must understand
why you felt what you did and why you 
no longer need to feel it."
Mitch Albom

Patterns repeat themselves.  They may take on different shapes, colors, or sizes, but the pattern remains.  The same is true with our feelings.  Unless we understand what we feel or why we react, the situation will return over and over again until we finally discern the importance.

Our senses automatically react to situations based on prior experiences.  Repressed feelings can appear abruptly,  distracting from the reality at hand.  We may judge the current situation inaccurately based on the past experience.  

If we take the time to understand our actions, we will physically and mentally feel lighter.  We will be more invigorated and discover a beautiful depth to life.  We will no longer be tainted by the past.  No longer focused on the future, we enjoy the present.

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