Thursday, June 8, 2017

At the Core

"You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars.
In the noisy confusion of life, keep
peace in your soul."  
Max Ehrmann

Life is a heavy paint we use to cover our own original colors and mute authentic highlights.  We rub it all over ourselves to blend in and be accepted.  We do this prior to understanding our own true self.  

We may be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a church attendee or a hermit, but all of these things are labels.  They are not who we truly are at the core. When we are familiar with our own essence, we then know what things or people will best align with our path.

We expose ourselves to knowledge, absorbing what resonates.  We listen to mentors, gathering insights.  We spend time in silence, deciphering what is in our heart and how we can best be a servant to the whole. As a child of the universe, we are meant to soar through the trees bonding with the stars shining upon our path.   

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