Friday, May 12, 2017

The Gift of Holding Space

  "When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, 
offer unconditional support, and let go of judgement and control."

We may not want to be involved in other people's drama, but turning a cold shoulder may not be aligned with who we are inside.  Be present without obligation to cure, resolve, or advise.  Holding space is the ability to let the person stand in their own situation, but offer silence as a witness.

It is not helpful to shame a person who is already in the midst of failure as either they have learned the lesson or will repeat it.  As we hold space, we can generously hug to give physical comfort or we can simply be an alert listener without offering response.

Holding space relieves us of any sense of control, judgement, or outcome.  There is not a responsibility to alleviate the problem.  We are simply called to be present with an open heart.  We can become a safe place for the person to face themselves and not feel alone.

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