Monday, May 8, 2017

Remarkable Things

"Once I realized it was okay for me to think
about and identify what I wanted, remarkable
things began to take place in my life."
Melody Beattie

Compassion for others may become a detour from tending to our lovely selves.  Love for our fellow human beings is essential, but not at the cost of our own personal growth.  We can be over involved in the trauma of others, and it becomes an escape from dealing with our own life.

We begin to place the desires of others before our own when we do not identify or recognize our own needs.  It is important to uplift, as long as our personal support is in place.  When we first ground (balance or align) ourselves, we have plenty of strength to be shared with others.

What is it you would most like to do?  What is the one thing you always wished you had done?  It is never too late to recapture a lost joy.  Welcome a repressed desire into your life and be amazed by the remarkable things that follow.

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