Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Importance of Exchange

"When you see people only as personalities,
rather than souls with life missions to fulfill,
you forever limit the growth and possibilities
of what God has in store for another person."
Shannon L. Alder

With dread coursing through me, I greeted the woman with kindness in spite of the negativity that was bulging out from her presence.  I immediately created an aura of love to surround me and repressed my eagerness to judge. I reminded myself of all the layers we each possess. 

I quickly began to bombard her with questions about her life and as each crisis unfolded, I searched  between her layers hoping to find a sense of spiritual essence.  Why did this lady trigger me so?  I did not yearn to be anything like her nor did I wish for any posturing in her life.  

Plastering a smile upon my face when she depleted her dramas, I wished her well and excused myself.  While I walked away, I speculated as to what I needed to learn.  It then dawned on me ... I have no reason to understand or experience the essence of others, (although it is usually very inspiring) as each of us have a mission designed by the Divine.  Respect, honor, and integrity become the importance of the exchange and trust pivotal in the larger scheme that I cannot see.

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