Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Electric Bolt of Energy, Ryan

"It may be that mothers have a hard time discerning between when sons need comforting and when they need bucking up. Here's a rule of thumb:  If he hasn't faced the trial yet, or he's in the midst of it - encourage him.  If he's been to the wars and is limping home wounded - comfort him.  Once the wounds are bound up, encourage him to rise and face the fight again."  Hal and Melanie Young

My second son, Ryan, was the most difficult to raise.  He challenged me at every turn while endearing himself in the depths of my heart.  He was raw physical action and his mind traveled to vast depths of the soul.  Whether sitting on the highest branch of the tree or deeply hidden in the darkness of a long closet, he was comfortable with himself.

This electric bolt of energy  tried the patience of others.  He calculated the integrity of others and offered extreme loyalty to the few he welcomed as friend.  He maintained a sense about people which altered his choices in life.   The tag, Private Loner, perhaps applies, but it is far from describing the heart of this man.

As a successful businessman, invested father, and long time husband, he finds creative ways to solve his problems.  His awkward ways of loving and his quirky sense of humor ensures feisty moments.  Happy Birthday to my son, Ryan, with sincere thanks for 46 years of love in spite of obstacles.  

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