Thursday, May 18, 2017

Conversation Begins ...

"The relationship with yourself must be built and rebuilt
one kind, loving, conversation at a time."  Vironika Tugaleva

There are multiple ways to have a conversation with our lovely self.  If we can quiet our mind with meditation or contemplation, we can intuitively connect with our inner being or soul.  Using creativity and imagination, we can create insightful scenarios to expand our dreams.

Various artists in cross sections of art, experience the guidance as they use a unique gift or talent.  As they compose or draw, information streams through them and it is captured by sound or vision.  The practice of yoga can also become a form of communication.

Then there is journal writing which has grown in current popularity, but it has existed since ancient cultures.  With pen in hand, a stream of ideas flow and become expanded upon as the automatic writing continues.  Pick up a paintbrush, guitar or pen and allow the inner conversation to begin!

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