Thursday, May 4, 2017

Blending of Differences

"When we are able to look beyond appearances and to behold
that which we truly are, we recognize that our essence is interwoven
with the divine and that we exist as one of its expressions."
Alexandra Katehakis

Imagine being a kaleidoscope and becoming altered with every twist or turn.  In fact, we are multi-sided and our essence does change randomly.  This is easily displayed by asking one question every day and discovering a broad range of responses.  Invariably, the answer will change as our thinking is impacted by our surroundings, emotional makeup, and existing situations.

We are called to be a committed mate, a loving mother, a dedicated employee, and a participant in the circle of our sisters.  We may be narrowly focused until an incident splits our minds wide open to comprehend the variances of outcome. In a split second, with warp speed, we change.

We strive to be the same, to fit the mold, or to fall into the ranks and it is all falsehood.  We are a better team player if we bring our individual strengths to be combined with those of others.  Success is found in the blending of differences not in the duplication of the same.

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