Thursday, April 20, 2017

Touch With Loving Energy

"A healer's power stems not from any special ability,
but from maintaining the courage and awareness to
embody and express the universal healing power
that every human being naturally possesses."  
Eric Micha'el Leventhal

Energy workers maintain a connection with some form of universal power outside of themselves.  It can be a relationship with a patron saint, angels or divinity, animals or any form of nature.  The relationship expands and contracts over time depending upon the strength of the connection.

Any person placing a hand upon the forehead of a child or elder is passing energy.  We do this when embracing others, as we pass energy back and forth.  No one needs to be trained as we are all natural healers.  If young children are observed as they cradle dolls, animals or imaginary friends demonstrates the early presence of loving touch.

Numerous people have the gift of touch and report having this talent since early childhood.  Explore the use of loving touch to gardening, writing, painting, or cuddling and as the awareness of light increases, the energy will find a way to flow through! 

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