Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Scrutinize the Moment

"The enemy uses those things your insecure about.
Free yourself and take your power back by being secure 
in who you are - flaws and all."
Yvonne Pierre

At the first sense of discomfort, we sharpen our senses to discern what triggered our happy state of being.  The conversation plays through our head while we visualize the actions of those around us.  We gently push our caution button and stand alert.

As we scrutinize the present moment, we begin to realize our reaction was triggered by our own insecurity.  The conversation may have touched upon one of our less perfect abilities and physically we feel like a bruise has been unnecessarily pushed.

To gaze at the faces surrounding us, we notice a climate of no harm. no foul.  Every one else has moved on with the situation except for our selves.  We have  become stuck in our own false assessments, criticism and sarcasm.  When we learn to accept ourselves unconditionally,  personal power assists us in maintaining balance by embracing our flaws and honoring our strengths.

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