Friday, April 28, 2017

Eternal Home

"I've begun to realize that you can listen
to the silence and learn from it.  It has a
quality and a dimension all its own."
Chaim Potok

I walked through the garden gate, immediately surrounded by fragrances lofting in a gentle breeze.  I settled on my favorite bench and sat until all became still.  Peace at last, worries evaporating, and all stress falling away.

As I opened my eyes, I began to glimpse the singing birds and feel the sun shining upon my face.  The warmth melted into my body allowing me to feel perfectly safe.  I could hear the little critters scurrying beneath my feet, reminding me this was their home.

I open my heart to the words hidden in silence, as they are like fragrant flowers with delicate petals,' Each one must be held tenderly, without danger of harm. I fill my body with each breath, wishing this dimension were my eternal home.

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