Thursday, April 13, 2017

Breath, Life, and Unknown

"Sometimes I think I need a spare heart
to feel all the things I feel."
Sanober Khan

There are isolated times my heart is weighed down by feelings and I have no idea how to define them.  The emotions are not simple like loneliness nor sadness, and they are complex but without labels.  I am not worried nor am I ecstatic, but I do sense a jumble of sensations sparking incompatible lines.

I find a sense of consolation walking outside where nature can soothe my sharp edges and broaden my perceptions.   Figuratively speaking, I can hold my heart in my hands and ask the difficult questions and attempt to understand the answers I may receive.

The falsehood is thinking I have to identify everything I feel when honestly, I really do not.  There is a time to put away my pen and not organize everything into categories.  I think the calling is to be still in the moment in spite of the garbled mess and just experience breath, life, and the unknown.

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