Friday, March 24, 2017

Little Bit of Goodness

"Do your little bit of goodness where you are;
it's those little bits of good put together that
overwhelm the world."
Desmond Tutu

 When I look at people, I see inner goodness and tend to focus upon it.  We are all born with this spark of light and we either build upon it or not.  I am often drawn to those who have hidden their light.  I instinctively know it is there, but it has been buried beneath chosen debris.  Exchanging conversations in depth,  the hardness cracks and shards of warm light begin to peek out.  I catch a glimpse of the goodness within.

Individuals soften when they experience inner goodness again.  They are reminded of moments of compassion, courage, and hope.  Unfortunately, life has treated them with extreme harshness and in defense, he or she hides goodness by wearing a false bravado.  The bravado may succeed in warning off bad things, but it stifles the light as well.  It is even more unfortunate when life becomes so brutal it generates total withdrawal in fear. Without protection from life itself, one hovers in a dark and stagnant existence.

It is a spiritual challenge for me to face a fellow human being and discover a thread of conversation leading back to when the heart was open. To reflect my inner light to an individual, emotions will stir and hopefully trigger the desire to realign emotional reality.  First comes the smile, then a genuine laugh, and then a nugget of an earlier personality.  As sincere appreciation for this child of God, I attempt to hold the heart open long enough to allow original identity and yearnings to surface.  A reflection of our inner goodness uplifts us all.

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