Sunday, February 5, 2017

All The Heavens Imagined

"A woman has to live her life,
or live to repent not having lived it."
D.H. Lawrence
Lady Chatterley's Lover

As a physical human being, a large graph stretches before me.  There are various markings in an array of colors, demonstrating individuals routes leading to enlightened experiences.  In this human body, I have freedom to decide where I might travel.

Fortunately, I also am equipped with a silent partner.  Some may use the label spirit guide, mentor, totem, or angel.  This higher being nudges me when I stray too far off my intended path or pushes me into needed scenarios I do not recognize.

I am also a child of God/Goddess/Universe which means I have a spiritual connection coaching me into sacred realms.  This is where I learn respect for various aspects of worship and compassion for all travelers on the road of life.  Using my physical body, I encase my sacred heart, and hope to be all the heavens imagined.

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