"And above all, watch with glittering eyes
the whole world around you because the
greatest secrets are always hidden in the
most unlikely places."
Roald Dahl
Deep inside of every human being runs a vein of creative expression. It may be a physical skill, personality trait or a singular quirkiness. At a very early age, we begin to sense the presence, but life eventually draws us away.
Throughout our years of development, the inner calling of our skill yearns to be brought to the surface, to be discovered once again. The artistic vein is bulging with expression and fears it will rupture, losing with out a sense of gain .
As we become in tune with our hidden nature, we begin to dabble in our skill. "Oh it is nothing," we might say, "just something I am working on." As we perform with hidden mike, sleight of hand or pen with ink, excitement stirs. The disrespect of minimizing is overcome with a sense of true self value. We unleash our doubt and fly on the wings of new found artistic freedom.