Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Spark of God

"Through my love for you, I want to express 
my love for the whole cosmos, the whole of
humanity, and all beings." 
Thich Nhat Hanh

Within each one of us, we carry the Universe and the Divine.  These are reasons enough to completely love ourselves and then recognize the same in others.  Just as we love the ocean or the animals upon this earth, we begin to see the spark of God everywhere.

Think of the reflection we could create if in unison we viewed the brilliance in every living thing or if we viewed each object as alive and living.  If we allowed our predominant thought to search in recognition of love in each other, would our lives not be altered?

What if we took all of our efforts we use in protecting ourselves, and applied that energy to embracing others?  Would quality of living not increase for all and the impact flow out to everything existing around us?  Could we not try to replace negativity and fear with positive action and love? Can we alter or change, and if not why?

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