Monday, January 9, 2017

Positive Vibration


"It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth,
how much money you have gathered or how much attention
you have received.  It is the amount of positive vibration you
have radiated in life that matters."
Amit Ray

Energy gathers matter and forms a physical body.  The body extends a vibration out into the world and everything in the world can feel our energy.  Our attitudes, perspectives, and judgments also carry an energy which can be positive or negative.

When our energy feels uplifting, we are welcomed by others.  If our energy is dark and heavy, others may not wish to embrace us.  We know that energy attracts like energy, so it is vitally important for us to remain positive and draw in beneficial aspects of life.

Every moment of the day we choose to feel good or depressed.  We choose what we feed into our minds ... good thoughts or negative remarks.  We choose who influences our minds ... inspiring friends or drama queens.  We must accept responsibility for our perspective of the world.  Life doesn't happen to us creating victimization.  We are willing components, choosing reactions to the challenges life bestows.

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