Sunday, January 15, 2017

Glisten of Light

"Love glistens and blooms towards
the light of acceptance."

We will thrive if we fill our body, mind and spirit with acceptance.  We are humans guaranteed to make mistakes and disappoint.  It is part of the learning process, but so is love.  There is no need to do something special, although that is nice, to generate affection.  

Compliments are difficult as we mentally say, "If they only knew what I have done or said."  We harshly criticize our personal errors tainting what unexpected goodness comes our way.  We color love darkly with our hidden agendas and false beliefs.

If we allow ourselves to become flexible like trees bowing to the sun, we will become more generous towards our lovely selves.  With the slightest glisten of light, we are able to turn to one other and  offer the goodness to them.  Acceptance is the fuel for sparks to ignite.

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