Thursday, December 1, 2016

Keep Walking

"Good things are coming down the road.
Just don't stop walking."
Margaret B. Moss

The presence of goodness expands my heart and my thoughts become pure.  Discomfort erupts from the sudden emotion of hope.   Fear boldly enters my consciousness, sighting hidden pockets of past sorrow.  Yet the brightness of an appearing soul shines radiance imploring life to be lived once again.

It is difficult to trust myself to see beyond my childhood filters or mature fanciful illusions.  Am I simply seeing the beauty of a soul while deception is hidden in the earthly substance?  Can I be strong enough to experience the required risk to begin simple steps towards the dance of life once so sweet?

I move forward at a gentle pace, but my head pivots in reverse considering retreat.  My feet slowly move forward one step at a time lured by the sounds of beckoning laughter.  Hot tears streak  down my face as the winds of time escort me farther down the road.   "Keep walking," whispers a voice, "as goodness will surely follow."

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