Monday, December 12, 2016

Imploding Memories

"Just as a snake sheds its skin,
we must shed our past
over and over again."
Jack Kornfield

The past can surface unexpectedly and caught off guard, our sense of balance can be altered.  We think we have dealt with the imploding memory, but it remains a force within.  Not only does it haunt us, it tampers with our present as well.

When we remember that we alone decide how much energy we invest in each situation, we can gain better results.  It is not about controlling, repressing, or erasing a trauma.  It is simply about our own ability to acknowledge the incident and then simply let it go.

The harm is not exclusively about the incident.  It is imperative to realize how much the past memory colors our present.  The recurring emotions can misconstrue what is happening before us in the present.  The old thoughts distort even a healthy occurrence.   Allow fresh eyes to view the unfolding 
with an open heart and mind, prepared to welcome goodness into life. 

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