Monday, November 14, 2016

keeper of the light

 keeper of the light
bone sigh arts

"what if you were asked to be
a keeper of the light?"

A light worker or energy worker carries light into the world.  The kindled light extends out towards others, into the community, and all parts of our world.  The light is visualized in different ways, but it is easily extracted from nature:  the sun, moon, stars, or water reflections.  It is also rekindled through eye contact or an emotional exchange.

"to hold the light in darkness,
to remember and believe in
and stand up for the talk about 
and spread that very light?"

When darkness falls upon us, we strive to protect our inner light as it will lead us into deeper truth and understanding.  Fueling our flames helps others to be drawn to the light where calm and peace restores goodness.

"to understand the connection between love and light
and to keep your eyes focused there
even when your head is swimming with fear?"

As we stare into the light, we absorb love that warms the heart.  The brightness reduces the dark and keeps our fears at bay.  Our focus invites more of the light within to uplift our spirit.

"to agree to get up again and again
after crushing weight that the world throws on you?"

To carry light does not exempt one from difficult times, sorrow, and grief; but, it does strengthen our ability to face what is brought before us without denial, addiction, or loss of self.

 "what if you were asked to love over and over and over?"

Part of the human experience is to be betrayed or deceived to teach us never ending forgiveness and to build trust in personal integrity and character.  The light leads us through difficult times, especially when they are repeated.

"to shine light everywhere you could?"

We work with our light unseen and anonymously.  We extend it without being invasive or intrusive.  We don't have the need to understand or participate, just share the light without recognition.

"would you?"

There is choice to use anger and violence or light and love.  In disagreements or diversity, we don't have to agree, but we can foster love by respect and honor of the individual self.  Light can be extinguished by fear or illuminated by love, 

"maybe it's time you listened for the question.
maybe it's time you listened for your answer.

terri st. cloud, bone sight arts

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