Monday, November 7, 2016

Inward Journey

"I believe the greatest gift I can conceive
of having from anyone is to be seen by
them,  heard by them,  to be understood
and touched by them."
Virginia Satir

Relationship is my greatest teacher, offering either harsh conflict or a heart warming lesson.  Guidance is received from the well dressed or the worn and weary.   I find myself either forgiving while distancing myself or embracing with endearment.

To great extremes, I will hide my inner self, so when another soul truly sees me or hears my message between guarded words, I am deeply touched to be understood.  Great love soars in my heart with the realization, no matter right or wrong,  my presence is being valued.

Fueled by the energy of a mentor's hug, I eagerly return to my inward journey.   Even in the darkness, bits of wisdom gently folded into the creases of my mind, sparkle like lighted sparklers against the sky.  My spirit spins as I reach for Divine connection and I remember how good it is to be me.

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