Friday, November 18, 2016

Culture Shock


 "Culture change is neither quick nor easy - it will take a long time to find
our way through the smoke and mirrors.  But all long journeys begin with
one small step, so her's a modest proposal:  let's reclaim 'disillusionment'
as a word that names of blessing rather than a curse."
Parker Palmer

As I slowly thaw from the frozen state of shock, I find myself facing fear reminding me of my emotional reactions to the plane crashes years ago in New York City.    Disillusioned, I am forced to face the reality of our culture.

I refuse to be cynic or a hater.  I listen to differences without acting upon them.  We are free to create our belief systems as long as they harm no one.  I need to move over and give more room to those who do not think like me.  Isolating myself only weakens movement towards peace.

In order to continue to move forward to a sense of oneness, I must remain resilient in compassion and respect.  I can open myself to the truth of others and actualize discrepancies in our knowledge.  The focus must allow space for each and every person, to com-exist in a peaceful atmosphere, and step through the illusion of fear.  Change occurs together, as we recognize blessings rising from negative clashes. 

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