Sunday, November 20, 2016

Clear as Mud

"Sometimes we have to make a complete and absolute disaster
of our lives in such an epic, unavoidable way so that it can
become absolutely clear to us what we have been doing all along."
David Whyte

Playing in the dirt is such fun until we realize we are neck deep in muck.  Things start out innocently, and then collapse.  It is only with hindsight do we see the regression.  At what point did we fall asleep or let our inner self down?

We fill our gas tank up in our car and we monitor our usage.  We discern how long we can drive our car before we need to refuel.  If we do not monitor our supply, we could end up stranded and out of gas.  We can go to church or a meditation circle to heighten our awareness for compassion and forgiveness, but somewhere during the week, our mindfulness has gone astray.  

I do not believe in perfection, but I do acknowledge the need for awareness and commitment. To hide in isolation is avoiding reality.  Physically, our anger or disappointment can create strife.  If we can accept responsibility for both our decisions and actions, we can steadily improve our integrity and position in this world. 

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