Friday, October 21, 2016

The Descent to Freedom

"You shall have no other gods before me."
Exodus 20:3

In Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation, reflects upon  "You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)  He broadens this familiar passage to include not only false images of God, but also the images we hold of ourselves.  When we become self-less and faith based we find a place of abundance.

Spiritual consumerism can duplicate the search for materialism.  Meister Eckhart, German Dominican mystic claimed spirituality has more to do with subtraction than addition.  When our focus is totally upon ourselves, there is no room for the Divine or fellow earth travelers.

C. G. Jung described his journey as constantly descending until he could truly connect with the earth. To be free we must release our need for ego, image, success, and control.  Rohr would say, God created us as a very slight part of creation and as a small particle, we reflect God's glory.

***Richard Rohr Daily Meditation
      Path of Descent 



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