Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Reflection of Insecurity

"The truest form of love is how you 
behave toward someone,
not how you feel about them."
Steve Hall  

Ego loves to judge others so we feel better about ourselves.  While we silence ego, we can fill ourselves with love which makes us strong and confident.  The need to criticize others is reduced and we can view all peoples through the eyes of love.

Not judging someone is a reflection of respect and honor as we never truly know the journey others are traveling.  What appears to us as unacceptable, may be the very best that person can do.  Unless we are going to offer encouragement or support, our eyes have no need to focus on others.

There is an overload of negativity in our world right now, and there is no reason to add to it.  If we catch ourselves criticizing, remember that it is a reflection of our own insecurity.  If we do not understand the actions of others, at minimum, slip into neutral.  It is not necessary for us to have a comment for every situation that occurs.   

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