Sunday, October 16, 2016

Prisoner Within

"Perhaps, I myself am the enemy 
who needs to be loved."
 Carl Jung

If we feel broken, our emotions distort our perceptions.  We create filters which shadows truth.  We project our feelings onto others.  If we feel wounded, we make the judgment that others see us as wounded as well.  

As our discomfort percolates within, our sense of safety is minimized.  With distorted perceptions we fear others are out to get us.   Our anger accumulates until it begins to spew onto others.  As we force others away by our behavior, we become isolated.

Friends may reach out to us, but we must reach in towards our pain.  Discern what is hurting us.  Pinpoint when the hurt originated.  Recall the story around the incident and then detach.  While examining the information, begin to write a new story replacing the harm with love.  When we free  the prisoner within, we begin to see life through a broader lens of love and acceptance. 

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