Monday, October 3, 2016

Missed Cues

"It's easy to overlook the cues for attention
that people may send us when we are focused
on attaining a goal or a result."
Daily Om

We are all on a journey experiencing lessons and giving purpose to our lives.  We open our hearts and extend compassion and yet we still miss cues offered by others.  The words of a friend may be running through our thoughts, but it is not until we hear the emotion in the voice or a shift in tone that we become aware something is wrong.  Even when we believe we are being perceptive, we do not always tune in to the needs of others.

We surround ourselves with happy people and we rarely think of these uplifting people as having dire thoughts.  We fail to look beyond the person into their heart as a check up to make sure all is well.  "Why didn't you say something," we later exclaim.  And the quivering voice responds, "I did."

When we see tears on a person's face, we wonder what is wrong when in reality, they may be tears of relief or joy!  A burst of laughter may have originated from severe anxiety, not humor.  We complicate things by saying things we don't mean which leads a conversation down a false and empty path.  When we experience our brains shutting down for a well deserved reprieve, try to leave the heart open for those in need.

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