Saturday, September 10, 2016

Harsh Sound of Silence

"Silence is a lie that screams at the light."
Shannon L. Alder

In the midst of a deliberate lie, there is nothing worse than the harsh sound of silence.  Anxiety begins to spread through the body as we wait for more words, but the silence persists.  Anger begins its creeping as the blindfold falls to the rock strewn ground.  As our eyes focus from the deceit,  perception broadens falling upon the debris and destruction from hidden agendas.

As the illusion dissolves, cold fear hardens the heart.  Emotions question this sense of betrayal but  denial cannot prevent the dying of the flames.  Gone is our pride, joining the darkness where honor and respect have long ago been placed.   The piercing screams held within beg for the truth.

The silence thickens with the lack of words, as sorrow for our loss streams through the veins.  No longer  the choice to pretend that hope will come with another day.   We yearn for the words to inform it has all been a terrible mistake, but in our broken heart we know it is over.

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