Saturday, July 30, 2016

Where Our Souls Are Fed

In certain circumstances, being outside, not fitting in, 
can be a source of satisfaction, even pleasure.
There are kinds of solitude that provide a respite from loneliness,  
a holiday if not a cure.  
   Olivia Laing

When we are feeling especially lonely, it may be the perfect time to indulge in the solitude of an art gallery, monastery, park or library.  Solitude can be experienced without total withdrawal into darkness.  We can be taken on a solo adventure through a movie or play or concert or a scenic drive.  Visiting an isolated spot in nature is just as rewarding.

If we experience the sense that we do not fit in, it may be a blessing in disguise.  When we find ourselves outside of a group, it is an opportunity to review what qualities of association are truly meaningful to ourselves.  As we invest in gatherings which do not inspire or rejuvenate our spirit, we are giving without restoration.  It is far wiser to spend our time where our souls are fed.

To discover our core belief system or values or principles, we seek and attract others who can share, enhance and enjoy our offerings.  Expectations to fit into all groups at all times in every imaginable situation, calls upon us to be spread so thin we are bland.  Far better to foster our roots to grow healthier and expand towards our heart's desire.

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