Thursday, July 28, 2016

Options, Choice, and Consequences

"We choose our own tribes."
Seth Godin

We may be born into a family and be taught a certain way to live life, but we ultimately choose our own tribe.  In youth, our selection may be limited, but as we gain momentum out into the world, more opportunities allow us to stray from imposed family expectations of where or how we survive.

If we gravitate towards negative means of survival, the outcome will be in contrast to the choice of positive  intentions.   Where we invest our time is in direct correlation to how we navigate life. When we significantly experience like attracting like, we may be too encumbered to change directions.

Members of our tribe may be diverse, but it is vitally important that everyone in the clan feels supported and encouraged.  We thrive in a village where there is clean shelter, healthy food, and a sense of belonging.  Change is difficult for all peoples, but if we can be individually inspired to take corrective action, everyone will benefit.  

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