Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Unplug for the Pause

"I need to be alone.  I need to ponder my shame and my despair 
in seclusion;  I need the sunshine and the paving stones of the streets 
without companions, without conversation, face to face with myself, 
with only the music of my heart for company."
Henry Miller
Tropic of Cancer

Technology has replaced numerous relationships based on the ability to be immediately present and subject matter directly controlled.  It entertains us with less investment than some friendships.  Numerous gadgets fill random spaces as we walk, eat and sleep.    

If we no longer practice the art of sitting in solitude, we will not be as connected to our authentic selves.  As we rock our infants, are we staring into their tiny faces or are we texting with one hand.  As toddlers seek smiling facial approval or frowns of disapproval, do they see a parent browsing Facebook.  As older children gather, are they interacting or individually tweeting others.  Meal time reflects a knife, fork, spoon, and a smart phone per place setting.

Solitude is a time to reflect upon our actions, and to notice our inner feelings.   It is a space to revitalize our energy and eliminate unnecessary distractions from our lives.  Alone time allows us to be present in the moment, to take stock in what we perceive or believe.  If we unplug, the beauty surrounding us will give us a beneficial pause to feel totally alive.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Powerful! You know how I love to sit in silence...
