Friday, June 24, 2016

Prepare the Soil

"The outline of your future path already exists,
for you created its pattern by your past."
Sai Baba

To glory in the moment  and to make most of what is before us, impacts our future.  Our creative intentions and conscious behavior begins the makings of what will come next.  How we live our lives right now, orchestrates either obstacles or benefits yet to come.

A farmer once told me:  If you do not prepare the soil and simply throw seeds out into the field, many of the seeds will not survive.  If you do not cultivate and protect the early growth, by harvest there will be considerable loss.  If you ignore the field, your crops will not have high quality.

Life presents challenges. How we deal with them sets a pattern for future events.  If we accept responsibility, persevere and apply creative planning, our results will be impressive. If we do not fully embrace reality using avoidance and denial, we will not develop the tools needed further down our path.

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